Category: Interviews

Jimi Jamison

Jimi Jamison

With his stellar new solo release “Crossroads Moment” having recently been released in the USA, we thought it was an opportune time to catch up with the legend that is Jimi Jamison. For those readers who may not be acquainted with the works of Jimi Jamison, allow us to indulge ourselves for a few moments for a quick rundown of […]

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Pete Loran of Trixter

Pete Loran of Trixter

A few weeks ago we caught up with Steve Brown, Trixter co-founder and guitarist and quizzed him about the rumours of a Trixter reunion in 2008.  His response….wait until March 4th and all shall be revealed.  Wait we did, and on March 4th the world learned that the original Trixter line-up was back for a 2008 assualt, which at this […]

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Steve Brown of Trixter

Steve Brown of Trixter

Saying that Steve Brown is one talented mother trucker, to those of us in the know – is an understatement.  Award Winning Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Musical Director….  First rising to prominence as founding member and chief songwriter of the million selling MCA Records Rock Group TRIXTER.  Debut album, TRIXTER, released in May 1990, went on to sell over 1 […]

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