2024, Features, Interviews — October 9, 2024 at 8:22 am

John 5


“I play my songs live exactly like they are on the record.  It’s also a lot of fun for me that way.”

From Release: For almost 30 years, John 5 has been one of the most in-demand guitar players on the planet. As well as a guitarist for hire, ‘5’ has shared the stage as axe-man for Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Rob Halford and now Motley Crüe. He has also worked with an impressive array of names, from all walks of music, including KD Lang, Rod Stewart, Dave Lee Roth, Alice Cooper, Ricky Martin, Dolly Parton and Lynyrd Skynyrd. To call John 5 a shredder does not do him justice. There’s little he can’t put his hand to.

We had John 5 answer some questions for us about the upcoming tour, new music, his playing, the future, and more…

Welcome to May The Rock Be With You, thanks for taking the time to answer some questions for us! We’re here because you’re heading back to Australia this time as just you, hitting some dates with Steel Panther, can you give us an idea of what a John 5 set will look like and what people can expect when seeing you out front live?
I am going to play songs from each of my solo records since I have never been to Australia solo before.  I will also be doing a Mötley Crüe medley at the end of my set. There will be lots of notes and lots of shredding on the way.

With some majorly complex songs in your catalogue, what is the rehearsal or preparation like in taking your songs from the studio to the live stage and try to replicate what we hear on the recordings?
This is a great question. When I write and record my instrumental music, I play it in the mindset of playing it live.  Everything you hear that is on the record, it is being played without stopping or any overdubs.  It is a challenge for me so I don’t improvise at all.  I play my songs live exactly like they are on the record.  It’s also a lot of fun for me that way.

I mean, your playing is something else, what’s in the water where you’re from?
That’s so kind of you to say first off. I enjoy playing and practicing guitar so much!  It is truly a comfort to me and it’s not a chore.  I have my guitar with me whenever possible.

Music wise we had ‘A Hollywood Story’ out in June, can you tell us a bit about that track and the feel behind it?
“A Hollywood Story” is a quick look back into my life and career.  It’s a story being told without any words.  It came out really nice and I’m just so proud of it.

When writing a piece of music, do you work from a title or does that come to you as the piece comes together?
I start with writing a piece of music first and then I will put the title later.  I will have an idea of a title but it has to do with the vibe of the song and the feel of the song.  Once that comes together is when I decide on the actual title.

The cover for ‘A Hollywood Story’ has you in front of posters of Ace and Eddie. If you were to have posters on your wall today of newer players, who would be adorning the walls?
This is another good question.  Wow.  You’re good. I would say Buckethead and Guthrie Govan.

So can we expect more music coming soon from you?
I have so much music done and ready that I am already preparing for a record, but I am so busy that I need to find time to record it and release it.

I have to ask about Mötley Crüe, we saw you here back last November with the band, do you still pinch yourself that you’re on stage with those guys?
Oh absolutely.  I hope this feeling never goes away.  It is always a blast to get to play these songs that not only me, but millions of others grew up listening to.  I never get tired of playing these songs ever.  I am so just honored to be on stage with them in all honesty.

What if anything has playing in Mötley Crüe taught you that you may not have known before?
Learning more about in-ear monitors and different sound qualities. I have learned so much about the frequencies for wireless systems.  We have a guy on the road that his job is simply to dial in the frequencies.  He’s so good and it has been fascinating to learn more about that.

Looking back over your career it can be very easy to say what can change over time but what for you is the one thing that has always remained the same about John 5?
The love of playing guitar has never diminished or gone away. I have never been tired of wanting to be on stage.  I love it and will never stop loving it.

Other side of that, is there one piece of advice you were given when you started playing guitar that you still look back on and use to this day?
Learn what you love so you will always be inspired and interested in practicing.  So if you really want to learn a style, or play songs by your favorite band, learn that.  I promise you will never get tired of practicing if you just play what you love.

So what’s still on your list of things you’d love to do as an artist that you haven’t yet had the chance to do?
The one thing that I have not done yet that I would love to do is play The Hollywood Bowl!

If there was to be a documentary style bio pic made about John 5 what would you want it to be called?
I Am John 5

Lastly, let’s look ahead to the future with a prediction. Finish this sentence for me, in 2025 John 5 will…
be doing exactly as John 5 was doing in 2024. And that’s also exactly what I want to be doing.  Same goes for 2055.

Thanks for your time, and we’ll see you in Australia!
Thank you!  I’m looking forward to it!


Catch John 5 on tour in Australia with Steel Panther at the following dates:

Friday 18 October – Metro City, Perth

Monday 21 October – AEC Theatre, Adelaide

Wednesday 23 October – Hordern Pavilion, Sydney

Thursday 24 October – Fortitude Music Hall, Brisbane

Saturday 26 October – Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne

On sale now via: www.teglive.com.au/events/steelpanther/


Essential Information

From: USA

Website: https://john-5.com/

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