Twas a March 14th date in Sydney’s wretched Q-Bar. A meeting of 10 minds was to be lubricated by the finest of liquors arranged through drink cards. There inspiration struck and plans were slowly drawn up for a release that would give an excuse for these minds to meet again…and get drunk again. As one might expect this is a conversation that happens between many bands, many times a week in venues all over this country but upon sober reflection the idea was judged as still good and so here we are…A world where Skitzmix #666 now exists, a circular vinyl arena of sonic gladiatorial combat!
In honour of this momentous occasion, you are to be treated with the privilege of seeing these two glorious musical beasts sonically beat the crap out of each other live across the East Coast.
25/09 The Brunswick Hotel, Brunswick (VIC)
26/09 The Brisbane Hotel, Hobart (TAS)
26/09 The Brisbane Hotel, Hobart (TAS)
02/10 Blackwire Records, Sydney (NSW)
03/10 Crowbar, Brisbane (QLD)
03/10 Crowbar, Brisbane (QLD)